Archive Classic: State of the Cosmos 2005: Alan Guth Explains Inflation

As Alan Guth rises to prominence this year for his inflation proposal, it might be useful for readers to see what he said about it in 2005.

Existence of Universe Is Highly Improbable

Theologians might rightly celebrate a recognition by cosmologists that the universe is so finely-tuned, it shouldn't exist.

Light Speed Implications Are Staggering

A new paper revises the speed of light. This could change everything in the universe.

Cosmic Inflation Proof Is on the Ropes

The highly-acclaimed evidence of inflation theory announced in March may only be a signal from local dust.

Galaxy Evolution Problem: A Case Study in Criticizing Paradigms

"When you have a clear contradiction like this, you ought to focus on it," say scientists who found problems with the leading theory of galaxy evolution.

Silly Science Gets a Pass

It's not just that science doesn't know the following claims. It cannot know them – yet few are the reporters laughing out loud.

Anti-Creation Rhetoric Lacks Creativity

One would think, after so many decades, the secular scientists would come up with some original arguments for combating their favorite nemesis, the creationists.

Antimatter Conundrum Remains After Precision Test

Why isn't the universe half ordinary matter and half antimatter? Both should have emerged from a big bang.

SETI Advocates Try to Persuade Congress for Funds

In hopes of keeping funding flowing, the SETI Institute promised US congresspersons that scientists will find extraterrestrial life in our lifetime.

Cosmology Goes Off the Reservation

If science were ever restricted to observation, experimental demonstration, and evidence, some cosmologists left that reservation far behind long ago. Being smart does not preclude going nutty.

Big Bang "Breakthrough" May Be False

Criticisms of the BICEP2 announcement are coming in, and could overturn the highly-publicized announcement that "inflation" has been discovered.

Young Galaxy Mature for Its Age

Remote galaxy that should be young looks well-behaved and mature, "truly surprising" astronomers.

Every Planet Surprises Secular Astronomers, III: Formation Theories

"Surprise" or "puzzling" are the most common words in news reports about bodies in the solar system. Here are recent examples that discuss the origin of planets.

Cosmos 2.0 Repeats the Flaws of Cosmos 1.0

Neil de Grasse Tyson is showing himself to be a good disciple of Carl Sagan, never questioning his master.

Has Cosmic Inflation Been Discovered?

Claims of a major breakthrough about the big bang are swirling in the news: is it inflation, or inflating the evidence?
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