Darwinism Stretches Imaginations

Is the Gumby action figure of Darwin made of Flubber or Silly Putty? Either material works, depending on the need of the moment.

Dinosaur Evolution: Darwinian Tricks to Force Data into Theory

A new paper about a theropod dinosaur fossil illustrates the methods Darwinians use to force uncooperative data into their belief.

New Dinosaur Fossils Shake Up the Consensus

Fossils of ancient reptiles from different continents are changing long-accepted views.

Media Go Nuts Over Alleged Tyrannosaur Missing Link

From a few bone fragments and lots of imagination, reporters lit the fireworks and marching bands to spin stories for Darwin.

Dinosaur Variety was Extreme

Here are news stories about dinosaurs, from dwarfs to giants that lived in all kinds of habitats.
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