Lay Science Reporters Perpetuate Evolutionary Myths

Myths are homologous by common descent of mutations in logic. Or is that by design?

Darwin’s Blunder Lives On

A major journal publishes a paper claiming that natural selection is like human engineering.

A Punk Eek Theory for Climate?

Something is rotten in the state of science. The ghost of Stephen Jay Gould is lurking in climatology.

Elites Celebrate Darwin’s Flawed Analogy

A short manuscript autographed by Darwin is being feted like holy scripture but contains poor reasoning.

Design Language Works in Biology

There are many ways to explain design in nature without having to get religious about it.

Atheist Writes Cosmological Bible

From Genesis to Revelation, Lawrence Krauss has reality all figured out. A book reviewer in Nature is not so sure.

How to Respect a Crow

They're black and noisy, but the more you learn about crows, the more you will appreciate them—or at least respect them as you shoo them from your scarecrow.

Homology for Dummies

Current Biology likes to give its readers primers on various concepts. The topic in the May 4 issue is homology.1 Caleb Webber and Chris P. Ponting explain this important evolutionary term for the rest of us. The Q&A format also introduces homology’s siblings: analogy, orthology, paralogy, xenology, and synteny. Some readers may not realize that […]

Can Evolution Create Homologous Structures by Different Paths?

Günter Thebien (Friedrich Schuller U, Jena, Germany) is baffled about how two plants arrived at similar structures by different evolutionary pathways. In the April 22 issue of Nature,1 he asks, Structures that occur in closely related organisms and that look the same are usually considered to be homologous – their similarity is taken to arise […]
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