Monarch butterfly on flower

Butterfly Evolution Pushed 70 Million Years Before Flowers

New fossil evidence puts the squeeze on Darwinians, making butterflies appear suddenly, with complex mouth parts, before there were any flowers to pollinate. Time to rescue the theory again.
Death Valley superbloom 2016

Death Valley Comes Alive

As if resurrected from the dead, forgotten seeds burst forth in a celebration of life in the hottest place on earth.

Detailed Seeds Found in Early Cretaceous Rock

Hundreds of flowering plant seeds from early Cretaceous strata on two continents show exceptional preservation; how can they be 125 million years old?

More Flaws in Darwin's Mechanism

Mutation and selection: we're taught those pillars of neo-Darwinism from high school. How does it measure up to reality, though?

Good Fossils, But Where's the Evolution?

They're millions of years old, evolutionists say, but these fossils look like things you could find around town.

Flower in Amber Shows No Evolution

The details in a flower said to be 100 million years old look just like those in modern flowers.

Whole Lotta Evolvin’ Goin’ On

Your dog learned the most effective way to shake water off: by evolution, maybe. Maybe evolution did other things, too.
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