How Deer Grow Antlers

Some species of deer grow full sets of antlers every year. Learn what stem cells have to do with this.

Santa’s Reindeer Latest Victims of Darwin Storytellers

Darwinists play Pin the Ruminants on the Darwin Tree, including reindeer, cows, goats and sheep.

Year-End Biomimetics Parade

What better way to end the year than a celebration of biomimetics, where fun and useful science never ends thanks to nature's inspiring designs?

Empty Promises from Darwin Storytellers

Mainstream science media cast a false illusion of Darwinism's success by making promises in the headlines that the articles don't deliver.

Strange Large Mammals Make News

Here are unexpected facts about 4 large mammals.

Science Can Be Wrong for Decades, Centuries

The history of science shows some wrong theories being accepted by leading scholars for long periods of time. Ptolemaic astronomy, unquestioned for over 1200 years, is a prime example. Not all examples are old, though. In modern times as well, scientists are finding that theories unquestioned for decades, even centuries, were wrong. That being so, what confidence can we have that today’s scientific beliefs will stand the test of time for the next decade or century? A recent spate of science articles shows some long-held theories being questioned – others being tossed overboard.
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