Archive: Wise Men, Aquaporins, Horses, Plate Tectonics, Phylogeny, More

Here are some of the stories we were reporting before Christmas in 2001, restored from archives.

Archive: Caveman Rock, Body Time, Primate with Dinosaurs

Articles we printed in April 2002 lead to a question: have evolutionists changed in the last 22 years?

Smarty Plants

There's more going on in your local weed than scientists could have imagined in Linnaeus's day.

Cells Teach Humans About Design

Biomimetics extends to the cellular level, where extraordinary processes show engineers the right way to do things.

Guessing Game: Name the Organism that Inspired This Discovery

Here's a quick brain teaser. Can you guess which biological organism inspired the scientific advance? Answers and sources provided.

Biomimetics Line-Up

Here's what's hot in the trendy science of making things the way nature does it.

Applications from Nature

In this Biomimetics list, we start with the application, then tell you what organism inspired it.

Does Physics Drive Evolution?

Some recent evolutionary papers appear to make physical laws not just constraints on natural selection, but guiding hands that build optimal designs.

Secrets of Sight

The number of processes involved in eyesight continues to grow, adding more focus and clarity to the miracle of vision.
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