More Dead Sea Scrolls Found

In an adventurous operation, archaeologists have recovered Bible-era treasures before looters could get them.

Medieval Dinosaurs Too Incredible for Materialists

Window dressing on the rock wall of a medieval church stirs unbelief, anger among anti-creationists.

Biblical Archaeology Still Has Much to Discover

Some exciting discoveries in Jerusalem and other near eastern sites emphasize the fact that archaeologists have much more to explore in the lands of the Bible.

New Archaelogical Findings at Judean Fortress Khirbet Qeiyafa

A hilltop near where David fought Goliath has revealed buildings and artifacts suggestive of royal organization during the time of King David.

Ancient Text Found in Jerusalem from David's Time

Inscriptions are rare but valuable artifacts in archaeology. Though short and simple, a fragmentary inscription on a jug sets a record as the oldest ever found in Jerusalem, from the era of David and Solomon or before.
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