Evolutionist Artificial Cell Membrane Is a Cheap Fake

A "membrane" concocted by evolutionists cannot meet the requirements for life.

Origin-of-Life Research Abandons Chemistry, Turns to Miracles

If a chance explosion created the universe out of nothing, maybe another 'big bang' created life, too.

Smarty Plants

There's more going on in your local weed than scientists could have imagined in Linnaeus's day.

How Did Earth Get Its Phosphorus?

The element phosphorus is hard to get to a planet's surface where it is needed.

More Cool Cell Tricks Discovered

Watching molecular machines at work in living cells should be as fascinating as watching a city through a magnifying glass.

NASA Promotes Natural Miracles

To know the vast improbabilities, and yet to leap over them with imaginary stories – that's deceiving the public.

Cells Teach Humans About Design

Biomimetics extends to the cellular level, where extraordinary processes show engineers the right way to do things.

Etiology of Alien Derangement Syndrome

With no evidence for their invisible friends, believers in space aliens are losing their minds. Are they setting themselves up for mass deception?

Creatures Worth Knowing and Imitating

Studies of animals and cells reveal designs in nature we can appreciate and imitate.

OOLishness: The Imaginary World of Origin-of-Life Studies

Why aren't philosophers of science shaming origin-of-life researchers out of the science department? OOL theories depend on imagination, not empirical evidence, for their broad-brush conclusions.
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