Politics and Ethics How to Scientifically Justify Horror December 17, 2018 A leading American science journal whimpers over loss of access to body parts of murdered humans. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Darwinists Unhappy About Trump Fetal-Tissue Ban September 29, 2018 Darwinism cheapens human life. Here's a huge societal debate about the consequences. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science The Science Axis of Evil December 8, 2015 By assuming misbehavior evolves, some scientists become agents of evil, and Big Science institutions become their enablers. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Big Science, Big Media Go on Offense for Abortion September 27, 2015 How did it come to this? Illegal and immoral activity is revealed, and Big Science not only justifies it; it attacks the messengers. CONTINUE READING