Dinosaur Extinction Rewritten Again

Who will go back and fix the animations?

Do Evolutionists Have Extinctions Figured Out?

Stories of periodic mass extinctions millions of years ago sound like factual accounts, till you look at the details and ask some simple questions.

How Well Do Evolutionists Understand Extinctions?

Earth history is littered with five mass extinctions, evolutionists claim. How solid is their evidence?

Imagination Cures Falsifications of Darwinism

How many show-stoppers does it take to stop a show? With Darwinism, the show goes on despite multiple falsifications. The trick is to imagine solutions that don't require evidence.

Evaluating the Chicxulub Impact Dinosaur Extinction Hypothesis

Science Magazine claimed the Mexican crater named Chicxulub is the smoking gun of the dinosaurs' demise, and the media fell in line. Are there reasons to doubt the story?
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