Endosymbiosis Under the Microscope

Do microbes get married and become one? Is this an example of evolution?

Diatoms Defy the Evolutionary Endosymbiosis Theory

Here's why endosymbiosis cannot explain diatoms – or anything else.

Flip Flops in Plant Ancestry

Are green algae the ancestors of all land plants? Do paleontologists even know that these fossils are green algae?

Bad News for Plant Origins

To find an ancestor for plant photosynthesis in red algae, evolutionists have to imagine a series of spectacularly improbable events.

Photosynthesis: Darwin’s Great Mystery Is Still a Mystery

Dr Jerry Bergman explains why the origin of photosynthesis remains a profound problem for evolution.

Year-End Biomimetics Parade

What better way to end the year than a celebration of biomimetics, where fun and useful science never ends thanks to nature's inspiring designs?

Fossil DNA Stuns Geologists

None of them would have believed DNA could survive over a million years. They have no explanation for its preservation.

How Well Do Evolutionists Understand Endosymbiosis?

The theory that early cells engulfed microbes that became mitochondria is often presented overconfidently.

Cell Biologists Use Machine Language

This is a golden age of discovery about molecular machines, but the metaphor may be moving from machinery to information processing.

Happy New Biomimetics Year

The variety of design applications coming from the imitation of natural solutions continues to be astonishing.

Mighty Mitochondria Conduct Energy Exquisitely

None of us could live without mitochondria. These are the power centers ubiquitous in eukaryotic cells. They contain molecular machines in factories whose jobs are to generate and conduct electrical currents. The currents run turbines that packetize the energy in molecules of ATP, which are then used by most processes in the cell. New discoveries continue to fascinate scientists with how mitochondria work. Some scientists use their energy to find ways Darwinian evolution could build the machinery of life.
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