Do Genome Sizes Prove Evolution?

Simple life-forms have small, simple genomes; complex life-forms have large, complex genomes.

Mammoth DNA Challenges Assumed Age

Intact chromosomes from a woolly mammoth: can they really be 52,000 years old?

Archive: Your Model Train Set

Model trains in your cells? Yes: read about this and other wonders from 21 years ago. Note: Some embedded links may no longer work. Your Model Train Set   02/25/2003 Model train enthusiasts never had it so good. Imagine five different models of finely-crafted engines, all in perfect working order, and enough track to cover a […]

Genetic Finding Keeps Sexes Separate

Why surgery cannot convert a male to a female or vice versa.

Junk DNA Concept Is Mostly Dead

Has the term “junk DNA” finally been buried for good? It's been decreasing, from 98.5 % originally to close to 0 percent now.

The New Eugenics: Eliminating Down Syndrome

Why the left is vehemently in support of abortion and opposed to President Trump and his last Supreme Court judges, all pro-life.

Neanderthal Y Chromosome Looks Modern

Another theory bites the dust: The "Disappearing Y Chromosome" has not shrunk, as shown by comparisons with Neanderthal DNA.

New Video Shows the Boggling Amount of Code in Your Body

Illustra's new short film, "18 Trillion Feet of You," shows how DNA is packed into the 3 trillion nucleated cells, and how far all of it would reach.

Is the Y Chromosome Disappearing? Update

The male of the species is not disappearing, despite fear-mongering claims that the Y chromosome is shriveling up.

Dinosaur DNA Found!

Deep-timers had a big enough problem with collagen and melanosomes. But DNA should be long gone. 75 million years? No way!

Gender Dysphoria and Darwinism, cont.

Dr Bergman continues discussing scientific research about sex and gender, describes historical gender roles, and explains how the media distort the science.

Blunders Without Number: The Fraud Problems and Darwinism

Blunders without Number: The Fraud Problems and Darwinism One of the most respected medical journals in the world, New England Journal of Medicine, recently “retracted and republished a landmark study on the Mediterranean diet, and issued an unprecedented five other corrections after an obscure report last year scrutinized thousands of articles in eight journals over […]

Pinpoint Navigation and Propulsion in a Seemingly Random Soup

Non-coding sequences of DNA, sometimes considered genetic junk, may actually function to help navigate proteins to their target genes.

Evolutionists Have No Idea How Sex Evolved

Researchers in our day still admit they are baffled about the origin of sexual reproduction.

Weekend Biomimetics Showcase

The focus in biology these days is on design. Here's evidence.
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