Darwinism Is the Scrooge of Science

Character becomes twisted in Darwinism; righteousness is trashed, and vice is rationalized.

Evolutionists Justify Infanticide

When your starting assumption is, "Whatever exists evolved," you can rationalize any atrocity as normal.

To Evolutionists, Cheating Is Natural

If people are Pavlovian subjects, why are scientists exempt?

Are Terrorists Radicalized by Their Brains?

When multiple factors are at work, sorting them out is difficult, and inferences about causality can be misleading.

The Left’s Anti-Science Agenda on Sex

One would think re-affirming women would gain a leader praise. In this instance, the leader is vilified.

Did the Reformation Advance Science?

On this special 500th Anniversary Reformation Sunday, it's important to consider the Reformers' influence on the Scientific Revolution that followed.

Science Site Justifies Burning Aborted Babies for Energy

The response may be outrage or ho-hum, depending on whether the observer is a theist or an evolutionist.

Evolutionists Need to Mind Their Matters

To a Darwinian evolutionist, the mind is the product of unguided mutations and random environmental pressures acting on material forces. This raises questions about the mind and morals: do they have any validity? Evolutionists need to "mind" their matter. The following examples show how they try to justify these non-material entities arising from matter in motion.

How a Christian Family Stood Up to Tyranny

Faithfulness to principle doesn't always win, but it allows one to live with a clear conscience.
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