Fun in Evolutionary Wonderland

Unconstrained by competition, the Darwin Party’s science storytelling industry comes up with some wacky scenarios. Where’s my horse-sized rabbit? ( There are some pretty big fossil rodents, but no big fossil rabbits. Leave it to Darwinists to explain anything and everything. So why don’t we see rabbits rivaling the sizes of horses? To answer this […]

Geology Fail at India

Tiny insects debunk a widely-taught scenario about where India came from.

Why Is a New Theory of Coal Formation Needed?

When a new theory comes along, better examine why the old one needed replacing.

Three Mavericks Who Won

The loner, not the consensus, is sometimes the one whose views get traction in science. Here are three historical examples.

Blow to Supernova Nucleogenesis Theory

There's 100 times less of a radioactive element on the ocean floor than expected.

Geology Sale

We need to clear the deck of geology news. Here's a garage sale of interesting headlines, provided "as is" for researchers to pursue further.
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