More Excuses for Missing Dark Matter

How long can a theory survive repeated falsifications? Very long, when ideology (and funding) is at stake.

Cosmologists Are Blind in the Dark

A rash of recent science articles shows that secular cosmologists have no idea where they are, or why.

Astronomers Missed Half the Visible Universe

Dark matter is still a mystery, but meanwhile, half of the real stars in the universe have been hiding in plain sight.

Using Finagle's Rules in Cosmology

Fudging and finagling often underlie the confident-sounding claims of cosmologists.

Is a Multiverse Detectable?

The idea of a multiverse (an ensemble of universes like our own visible one) has been criticized as unscientific because it would be unobservable, even in principle. Now, however, some theoretical physicists are claiming that bubble universes beyond ours could be detected in the cosmic microwave background radiation – provided they collide with our universe. Does this bring multiverse theory back into the realm of science?
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