Nature Read in Youth and Paw

The wild chase of predator after prey happens, but we shouldn't make overly much of it.

Evolution: A Useless Tag

Scientists should drop the word "evolved" from their writing. It obscures much and accomplishes nothing.

Mars Water Hope Evaporates

Evolutionists have a strange way of expressing disappointment. They pretend to be excited about it.

Young Solar System Evidence Pops Up Everywhere

If the solar system formed more recently than believed, Darwinism is dead. Look how widely scattered the evidence is.

Outdoor Play Is Good for Children

A program to re-introduce kids to the great outdoors says, "Dirt is Good."

Mars Madness Hits

The Curiosity rover is sending back photos of things mission scientists are struggling to understand.

Two if By Sea: Earliest Americans Boated Down the Coast

The textbook theory of the first migration to the Americas across a land bridge is "dead in the water."

Science Requires Godly Values

Much as they try to evolutionize religion, scientists recognize that Biblical values are essential for science.

New Craters Found on Mars

Orbiters can count new craters forming on Mars, refining cratering rates. One spectacular new crater has appeared since 2010 with vivid rays.

Mars May Have Been Wet, But Never Lively

Astrobiologists got excited with evidence for early water on Mars, but other discoveries are putting the quash on hopes it has or had life.

Trouble for Mars Lifers

Evidence disputes Mars water, let alone life. It's looking like a toxic place. Besides, where would the water come from?

Mars Radiation May Not Be That Bad

Data from the Curiosity rover's RAD instrument seem to indicate astronauts could survive radiation reaching the surface.

Hopes for Wet Mars Diminished

The clays on Mars that were thought to be indicative of a wet past could, instead, be formed by volcanoes.

Curiosity Set to Explore Mars

Having survived its nail-biting entry, descent and landing, the Curiosity rover is ready to roll on Mars.
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