Darwin Day Is Fizzling

Certain advocacy sites are busy, but Darwin Day seems to be falling off the radar of major news outlets and journals.

Violence Is Natural, Darwinians Say

The implications of saying violence is a product of natural selection are disturbing.

Social Darwinism Is Back

If you thought Social Darwinism went out with eugenics, look at what leaders of social policy are saying.

Darwin Day Came and Went

Except among certain special-interest groups, Darwin Day seems to have been a non-event, but one Darwinist won an award for Censor of the Year.

Darwin or Pasteur: Who Deserves a Day?

A Victorian evolutionist and a Victorian creationist get good press, as long as it's religion-free. Which one actually did more for science?

Nature Cannot Wait for Darwin Day

Darwin Day (Feb. 12, 2009) is months away, but Nature devoted a special issue to it this week. The cover story, Darwin 200, includes 15 articles and features, some of which are available to the public. Features include a list of celebrations and exhibitions around the world, including a re-enactment of Darwin’s voyage on a […]

Liberal Pastors Rally to Defend Darwin on “Evolution Sunday”

Imagine this scene at a local church in your community: Our text for this morning’s sermon is taken from Origin of Species, chapter 15: “There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed by the Creator into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet […]
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