Search for Evolution in Rhynie Chert Microfossils Is Rootless and Fruitless

A recent discovery of excellently preserved fossils at a molecular level: Do they support evolution or creation?

Gogo Darwin: Latest Evo-Hype from Heart Fossil

A soft-tissue fossil should shame Darwinians into embarrassed silence, but they're using it to promote evolution.

Calling the Extinction Game

The Mexico Asteroids pull ahead! But the India Deccans are not down for the count.

Rethinking Fossils

Every time a new fossil turns up, a theory quakes. New evidence can subject a theory to the falsification test.

Latest Fossils: Dinosaurs, Whales and More

Here's a quick survey of news about fossils, including remains of some monstrous creatures and a tiny one, too.

Was Coelacanth a Lungfish?

Instead of showing remorse over a Lazarus taxon, evolutionists invoke another besetting sin: vestigial organs.

Fish Ancestry Turned On Its Head

A so-called "primitive" bony fish with traits of sharks confuses the usual story of fish ancestry.

An Animal Cannot Be On the Way to Evolving Something

No animal can plan ahead how it will evolve, so why do some evolutionists talk like they do?

The Fish Explosion

Fish are exploding in the kitchen of evolutionary phylogenomics.

Dinosaur Triggers and Other Fossil Foibles

Instant dinosaurs: just add mountains. Does this and other fossil news make sense?

More Evidence Cambrian Explosion was Un-Darwinian

The Cambrian Explosion (the abrupt appearance of animal phyla in the earliest fossil layers bearing multicellular body plans) remains unmuffled. Known by Darwin as a problem for his theory, it has become more problematic to his followers over time. There are now many more Cambrian fossils than Darwin knew of, and they continue the pattern: sudden appearance of complex animals, complete with legs, digestive systems, eyes, and nervous systems. Discoveries of Precambrian fossils have not helped: the ones that are more than microbial appear to be mere colonies of cells with no relationship to animals. Here are more discoveries that fit this pattern.
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