Puppies in Permafrost Stun Scientists

They say these dogs are 12,400 years old, but their organs and fur are intact, along with remains of their last meal.

Just-So Stories for the Darwin Crowd

For the scientifically illiterate, bedtime stories of how things evolved bring contentment.

Hair Makes You Bigger and Warmer

Scientists found that hair increases a beast's surface area by a factor of 100.

Mammals vs. Evolution

Whether living or fossilized, mammals do not tell an evolutionary story.

Biological Systems Provide Infinite Design Inspiration

It's not likely engineers and biologists will run out of inspiration from biology anytime soon. The source is infinite.

Strange Animals and Stranger Facts About Them

The world is decorated with an astonishing diversity of animals. Here are some new discoveries about a few of them.

Sherpa Fitness Is Not Evolution

A study about mutations that might confer benefit to high-altitude Sherpas is being announced as an example of evolution, but variation within species is not Darwinian evolution.

New Biomimetics Projects

These recently-reported attempts to mimic nature show that the biomimetics revolution continues, with no end in sight.

The Hunt for Selection in the Genes

One might think that 154 years after Darwin's book about it, natural selection would be empirically obvious. The journal Nature went on a search for it in DNA.

Biomimetics Matching Game

Try your hand at matching the organism with the new technology being developed from its design.

Evolutionists' Storytelling Addiction

For professionals who should be concerned with evidence, many evolutionists are given to rampant speculation. The tipoff is usually a phrase like "may have," "could have," or "conceivably."

Make Like a Dog, Owl, or Beetle: How Biomimetics Will Improve Our Lives

The greatest breakthroughs in health and engineering may be as near as the back yard: 13 more stimulating stories from biomimetics.

Whole Lotta Evolvin’ Goin’ On

Your dog learned the most effective way to shake water off: by evolution, maybe. Maybe evolution did other things, too.

Caveman’s Best Friend, Evolution’s Newest Upset

The evolutionary story of the dog-human relationship has had to be drastically revised in light of recent findings. The old story was that wolves tamed themselves into doggish behavior some 15,000 years ago in Asia by frequenting human garbage dumps. Evidence from caves, fossil prints, and the dog genome, though, has required a near complete overhaul of how our animal companions and their relationships to humans evolved, calling into question whether evolution was involved at all.
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