How SETI Believers Avoid Depression

It's hard to look at nothing for 60 years, and then have your biggest hope dashed.

Scientists Are Warming Up to UFOs

What has long been dismissed as fanaticism about UFOs has lately gone mainstream. What’s up? There have always been UFOs, as unidentified flying objects. In that category, even birds or the planet Venus qualify – until they are identified. But claims that UFOs represent advanced technologies of enemy countries or (gasp!) space aliens have long […]

Time to Ditch the Drake Equation

Frank Drake's equation for the probability of space aliens is chopped-up ignorance mushed into pseudo-scientific sausage.

Most Exoplanets Are Probably Not Habitable

More astrobiologists are coming to the "depressing" conclusion that we are alone in the universe, but it's only depressing if you're an evolutionist.

Astrobiology Still Has No Biology

Number of worlds beyond Earth where life has been discovered: zero. Number of optimistic articles about life in outer space: hundreds per year.

Evolutionists View Poison as Elixir of Life

Hydrogen cyanide is one of the most reactive and toxic molecules we know, but astrobiologists view it with almost alchemical qualities for the origin of life.

Observable Chemistry Does Not Logically Apply to the Origin of Life

Origin-of-life researchers assume that intelligently-designed experiments in the lab can inform them about the emergence of life without design – in short, that design proves non-design.

Are Scientists Capable of Stupidity?

Scientists are only people, and most people do or say dumb things sometimes. You can decide how to classify these "scientific" ideas.

SETI Gets Good Press

For an enterprise that has failed for 50 years, SETI gets good press. There are many worthy enterprises on the planet; what is it about SETI that gets honorable mention with nary a critical word?
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