Spiders Fly with Electricity

Scientists have known about spider "ballooning" for a long time, but only recently have they determined that spiders use electricity to fly.

Smart Scientists Borrow Natural Designs

Scientists and engineers are back in school, learning from the best teachers: plants and animals.

Design Inspires Scientific Advances

When you see cutting-edge science in materials and methods, you are likely to read "Inspired by Nature."

News to Enhance Your Birding

Birdwatching is more fun when you learn what's going on in those feathered bodies.

Biomimetics Still Trending Up

The imitation of nature's designs (biomimetics) is all the rage, and shows no sign of slowing down.

Lost Civilizations: Human History Hidden in Plain Sight

New imaging techniques have revealed extensive ancient human settlements in two very different remote environments.

Biological Systems Provide Infinite Design Inspiration

It's not likely engineers and biologists will run out of inspiration from biology anytime soon. The source is infinite.

Beat the Competition with Natural Design

Want to engineer something right the first time and beat the competition? Find out how life does it.

Entrepreneurs Find Gold in Nature

Inspiration for invention comes from everywhere in nature's engineering. At every level, there are designs worth imitating.

Biomimetics Is All About Design Inspiration

Scientists wouldn't rush to design things after nature's examples if they weren't well designed.

Follow the Leader: Nature

Ever since biomimetics (the imitation of nature) gradually emerged around 2002 and really took off in 2005, it has not slowed down. Over 90 previous entries in these pages have reported teams all over the world seeking out natural designs for ideas. The reports have accelerated in recent years to the point where there is only space for short summaries that give a taste of the wide variety of engineering work taking inspiration from plants, animals, and even cells. You yourself might inspire some inventor. Here are a few more highlights from recent adventures in biomimetics.
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