Body Wonders You Didn't Know About

Here's a collection of new findings about the body that should make us all stand in awe of what our Creator has provided.

Exceptional Beauty and Design in Animals

Here are four animals, some you probably never heard of, that deserve design awards for art and technology.

New Biomimetics Projects

These recently-reported attempts to mimic nature show that the biomimetics revolution continues, with no end in sight.

Your Senses Awe Scientists

The ear, the eye, the nose, and the mind itself continue to display wondrous capabilities.

Hear Ye: Another Darwinian Prediction Falsified by Fossils

In a classic test of evolutionary “post-diction” (predicting what should be found in the fossil record), scientists made a bold prediction of what insect ears would look like before the evolution of bats. Believing that the presence of bats, a new predator with sonar, would spur the evolution of insect ears, the scientists predicted that earlier insects would have less-developed ears, or none at all. Then they found exceptionally-preserved insect fossils from the Green River formation in Wyoming, and compared the fossil evidence with their prediction. What was found?

Fast Protein Fine-Tunes the Ear

A protein helps the human ear respond to volume differences over 12 orders of magnitude.
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