Darwin and Evolution Non-Darwinian Biological Change August 11, 2016 Scientists find many examples of biological change that do not fit the mutation-selection paradigm. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Scientists Can Be Inept Philosophers August 2, 2016 An undergrad philosopher could make mince meat out of some scientists' claims. CONTINUE READING
Cell Biology Bacteria You Can Love July 29, 2016 Wrongly feared only as agents of disease, many bacteria are allies in our quest for health. CONTINUE READING
Geology Radar Reveals Former Warm Landscape Under Greenland July 18, 2016 Under the world's fastest moving glacier, radar has revealed a network of V-shaped canyons carved by temperate rivers. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics "Political" Science Threatens Historic American Values July 3, 2016 Take any issue on the political scene, and you will find the scientific elites cheering for the left side. CONTINUE READING
Terrestrial Zoology Flowers Create 'Electric Landing Lights' for Bees June 14, 2016 How do bees know which flowers to visit, and where on the flowers to land? CONTINUE READING
Intelligent Design Life as the Communication of Information April 28, 2016 Could the essence of life be not so much the material substrate, but the transfer of information? CONTINUE READING
Genetics Why Chernobyl Neighbors Are Not Dying April 21, 2016 Surprising scientists, both people and animals are doing OK around the world's worst nuclear accident site. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Darwin Can't Win for Losing April 13, 2016 Progress must be made with gains, not losses. CONTINUE READING
Marine Biology Enough Fish to Go Around March 30, 2016 Rights-based fishery policies can guarantee a rapid rebound of fish stocks, biomass and profits for fishermen. CONTINUE READING
Botany Death Valley Comes Alive March 6, 2016 As if resurrected from the dead, forgotten seeds burst forth in a celebration of life in the hottest place on earth. CONTINUE READING
Media How to Do Biology Without Evolution February 27, 2016 Everything in biology can make perfect sense without the darkness of Darwinism. Take a look. CONTINUE READING
Marine Biology Land Animals Can Raft Across Oceans February 13, 2016 A research study about floating plastic debris illustrates how animals can cross oceans on floating rafts. CONTINUE READING
Health Take a Forest Bath February 7, 2016 Science supports a Japanese tradition of "forest bathing" for mental refreshment and overall well-being. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Evolutionists 98% Wrong on Desert Pupfish January 28, 2016 Small fish living in Devil's Hole became isolated just hundreds of years ago, not thousands. CONTINUE READING