Social Sciences Flunk Science Test

A historian of science confirms: the so-called "social sciences" deserve the criticism they've been getting for decades.

Friday Funnies: Darwin Groaners

It's been a hard week. Let's unwind a little with laughter at what the Darwinians are saying these days.

For Better Science Writing, Cross Out Evolution-speak

Like strict teachers, editors should cross out useless evolutionary speculations from science papers.

Evolutionary Anthropologists Fail Big Time

When you treat other people like evolved animals, you are bound to make mistakes.

Early Man Science Is a Confused Muddle

When you try to force fossils and artifacts into an evolutionary timeline, the anomalies outnumber the confirmations.

Scientist, Heal Thyself

People who play "King's X" in the science lab had better be aware of their limitations and vulnerabilities.

Science Media Still Overwhelmingly Leftist

Try to find a conservative point of view in the following secular news stories. We found one in the long list.

Scientists Discover Liberty Works

The incontrovertible leftist bent in academia once in awhile runs against facts of human nature. Studies show individual liberty is often better than government or globalist control.

Dump the Nobel Prize

Editorial: The Nobel Prize was concocted for a different time. Now it has become an impediment to good science.

Enough Fish to Go Around

Rights-based fishery policies can guarantee a rapid rebound of fish stocks, biomass and profits for fishermen.

Corruption in Big Science Exposed

A commentator chastises scientists and their leaders for contributing to the destruction of the civilization that nourishes them.

Scientific Ethics: A Reader Digest

For your weekend reading, here's a summary of news articles on various topics related to scientific integrity and ethics.

Freedom: The Best Conservation Strategy

Do-gooder environmentalists trying to save the Amazon rainforests make the problem worse.

Bill Nye Admits to Propagating Evolution Via Emotional Stories

National Geographic gives Bill Nye the Science Guy an open mike to make unchallenged generalities, with feeling.

Game Theory Undermined: Evolution of Altruism Not Demonstrated

Games that psychologists play with human lab rats don't show what evolutionists think they do.
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