Politics and Ethics Overpopulation Scare Replaced by Falling Birth-Rate Crisis April 10, 2024 The "Population Bomb" scare was a dud. The opposite is now worrying scientists. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Another Population Bomb? November 16, 2022 Scientists are claiming the Earth's human population hit 8 billion this month. But there are reasons to want more. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics The “Population Bomb” Bombed April 26, 2019 Paul Ehrlich's 1968 Malthusian prediction of mass starvation due to increasing population was not only wrong; it was dreadfully harmful. CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology New Utopian Vision Requires Drastic Demotion of Humans December 16, 2018 Humans must be re-imagined, then re-made to fit the new global utopia, according to an environmental evolutionist. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Can Science Define the Common Good? September 20, 2014 While attempting to tell us how fairness evolved for selfish reasons, evolutionists want to push for the "common good." CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Science Without Ethics Is Dangerous February 23, 2014 Science cannot operate with ethics. Ugly things can happen when scientists ignore ethical boundaries. CONTINUE READING