Archive: Motors, Teens, Geology Mysteries, Mars Flood, Pluto, Stem Cells, More

Here are some of the stories we were reporting in early December 2001, restored from archives.

Beaches Erode Too Fast for Deep Time

Within a few thousand years, half of earth's coastlines will erode away. How long has that been going on?

Stream Channel Networks Form Quickly

Large complex networks of stream channels do not take millions of years: just hundreds or thousands.

Does Evolution Wait for Mountains?

Here is the latest association fallacy between geology and biology. Mainstream science lets it pass without criticism.

Van Allen Belts Protect Earth from Solar Wind

Geophysicists are still puzzling over how the earth's magnetic field and Van Allen radiation belts protect the surface from deadly particles in the solar wind.

Cassini Grand Verdict: Saturn Rings Younger Than Expected

With the orbiter's best-yet images and data now coming down, a long-running debate about the age of Saturn's rings is concluding in favor of youth.
Cassini at Saturn

Cassini Has Not Made Saturn’s Rings Old

After 13 years in orbit, Cassini data still show conflicting interpretations for the age of Saturn's rings.

Life Helps Protect the Planet

When humans make a mess of things, our fellow organisms try to help. That's no excuse for our failures to be good stewards.
Cassini at Saturn

Cassini Gets Higher Look at Saturn's Youth

Now entering its final dramatic high orbits, the Cassini spacecraft is finding unexpected things for an assumed old planet.

When Data Doesn't Fit the Consensus

Like evolutionists, climate scientists have ways of oversimplifying or neglecting inputs that could challenge their paradigm.

Radar Reveals Former Warm Landscape Under Greenland

Under the world's fastest moving glacier, radar has revealed a network of V-shaped canyons carved by temperate rivers.

Bad Assumptions Confuse Geological Ages and Processes

The best models in a scientific field can be overturned at any time when someone takes a critical look at the underlying assumptions.

Hundreds of Dino Tracks Found Eroding at Scottish Beach

Could these sauropod tracks have survived the ocean for thousands of years, let alone millions?

Geologists Have Underestimated Catastrophes

One Colorado storm in 2013 caused hundreds or thousands of years' worth of mountain erosion. This is causing a rethink on the power of catastrophic events.

Earth as a Habitable Planet

When viewed as a planet among planets, Earth is surprisingly surprising, considering how close it is to scientists' investigating eyes.
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