Species Diversification Still an Evolutionary Puzzle

A look at another failed attempt by evolutionists to explain the origin of species.

Why Does This Finch Drink Blood?

Another claim of "evolution in action" falls apart under scrutiny.

Just-So Stories for the Birds

Any evidence can be forced into an evolutionary story if your imagination is strong enough.

News to Enhance Your Birding

Birdwatching is more fun when you learn what's going on in those feathered bodies.

Amazing Birds

Birds never cease to astound us with their grace in the air and cheery songs, because they exhibit design at many levels.

Darwin's Finches: What Evolved, the Birds or the Story?

Imagine spending 40 years of your life promoting Darwinian evolution with Galapagos finches, only to find out on Darwin Day that the birds hybridize and cross-breed.

Birds and Their Evolution (or Design)

Several recent science papers try to find evolution in bird brains, genes, and behaviors. Do they succeed?

Adaptation by Design, Not Evolution

Evolution does little to explain amazing adaptations in animals and plants, but intelligent design is up to the task.

Amazing Bird Tricks

“Angry Birds” are perhaps the best known species among electronic bird-watchers these days, but we should never forget that real birds are amazing creatures. Incredibly diverse (think ostrich to hummingbird to penguin), they continue to fascinate scientists and laymen. Here are some recent science stories about our feathered friends.
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