The Lone Ranger vs the Big Science Consensus

National Geographic retells the lonely battle of J Harlen Bretz against the scientific establishment, and what made them so pig-headed.

Genesis Hits the Big Screen

Review of "Is Genesis History?" that premiered nationally in theaters in a one-night Fathom Media event on Feb 23.

Spirit Lake Threatens Megaflood

36 years after Spirit Lake was destroyed by a volcano, it has come back with its own threats of destruction.

Chinese Flood Legend Was Historic

A dam breach flood in China known only from legend appears to be supported by geological evidence.

Ice Age Flood Affected Climate

A catastrophic dam breach flood affected Pacific Ocean circulation and climate, geologists say.

Evolutionists 98% Wrong on Desert Pupfish

Small fish living in Devil's Hole became isolated just hundreds of years ago, not thousands.

Possible Super-Grand Canyon Found Under Antarctica

Another record-breaking canyon may exist under the ice of the south polar continent, carved by water.

Elephants, Mammoths, and Terror: The Ivory Trade Crisis

Terror organizations are slaughtering elephants at alarming rates to sell the ivory in Asia and buy weapons. What to do?

Did Dinosaurs See the Grand Canyon?

Evolutionists and creationists agree that dinosaurs did not look over the rim of Grand Canyon – but for different reasons.

Carbon-14 Found in Dinosaur Bone

Seek and ye shall find: creationists boldly go where no evolutionists have gone before.

Stunning Fossils Featured

A magazine has displayed some of the most amazing fossils of animals that were suddenly captured in unusual situations.

Lost Civilizations: Human History Hidden in Plain Sight

New imaging techniques have revealed extensive ancient human settlements in two very different remote environments.

Storm Surge Carries Huge Boulders

A typhoon carried 180-ton rocks 150 feet up a beach—the largest transport recorded in recent times.

Canyons on Earth, Mars Reinterpreted as Flood-Caused

Catastrophic floods formed canyons long thought to have been formed by slow, gradual processes.

Everything You Wanted to Know About Pterosaurs, Except Their Evolution

Despite 200 years of study, evolutionists know almost nothing about how pterosaurs evolved. A fossil graveyard in China adds to the mystery.
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