Animals Teach Engineers How to Manage Light

Tricks for light-gathering and sharp focus come from observing nature.

Purify Science by Kicking Darwin Out

Science writers would do well to apply a Darwin Filter before putting pen to paper.

Illustra Media Showcases the Wood Wide Web

The ways that plants communicate through underground fungal networks is illustrated in a dazzling new short film.

Climate Science Is Imprecise

The alarmist warmists ignore papers that keep calling for a "rethink" about carbon sources and sinks.

Smarty Plants

There's more going on in your local weed than scientists could have imagined in Linnaeus's day.

Antibiotic Resistance Is Shared, Not Evolved

Growing evidence undermines commonly-cited examples of evolution happening right before our eyes.

Make the Climate Alarmists Happy: Plant a Tree

Maybe everyone can calm down the climate alarmists without draconian political measures. But who really knows?

Nature Time Improves Health, Well-Being

Stressed? Depressed? Take a forest bath. Another major study shows that outdoor exposure is good for the body and mind.

Upsets Surprise Evolutionists

These announcements show that fossils have ways of contradicting evolutionary expectations.

City Trees Give More in Ecosystem Services Than They Cost

City planners need to plant more trees in urban areas, but the benefits go beyond beautifying pavement. Urban areas occupy 4% of the land surface of the planet, says Theodore A. Endreny in a Comment article in Nature Communications. That may strike readers as surprising, given most people’s attention to cities for work, travel and […]

Science Fail: Shaky Assumptions Topple Long-Held Notions

Science is supposed to be self-correcting, we're told. But when towers of belief are built on assumptions later shown to be false, the consequences can be monumental.

Strange and Wonderful Animals Explored

Look at what scientists are learning about some common animals, and others not so common.

Amazonia Not Pristine

The tropical rainforests of Brazil, once thought to be pristine habitats of noble savages, show evidence of mass reworking by humans for millennia.

Non-Darwinian Biological Change

Scientists find many examples of biological change that do not fit the mutation-selection paradigm.

Take a Forest Bath

Science supports a Japanese tradition of "forest bathing" for mental refreshment and overall well-being.
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