Savory Stories About Salt

What do these articles have in common? Sodium chloride, a common substance with wide application.

Pluto Rivals Earth in Geological Complexity

Call it what you will, Pluto is a planet of surprises. Its active geology is second only to Earth's, say two planetary scientists.

Europa May Be Another Geyser Moon

A re-assessment of data from the Galileo spacecraft appears to confirm suspected eruptions from the surface of Europa, Jupiter's icy moon.

Updates from Outer Planets

Let's review some of the latest news from missions to the outer planets.

Water Worlds Tempt with Life, Not Youth

More and more planets and moons are suspected of having liquid water, but what should be the logical implications?

The Spin on Planets

As the orbs whirl around Sol, human understanding of our space neighborhood rises and falls.

Europa Plus Water Does Not Equal Life

NASA gave one of its high-profile press releases this week to dazzle reporters: Europa, the icy moon of Jupiter, may have large lakes of liquid water under its icy shell, closer to the surface than the deep ocean long believed to exist miles down. The curious domes rising above the ice seem to indicate heating that Would the reporters resist the temptation to speculate about life?

New Horizons at Jupiter

New Horizons, a spaceship bound for Pluto, took a good look at the Jupiter system on Feb 28, 2007.
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