Bible and Theology Ministry Spotlight: Genesis Apologetics July 8, 2023 With solid answers to questions and materials for youth, this organization has impact. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Evolution for the Birds: Must Adaptation Be Evolutionary? November 8, 2019 Darwinians use adaptation and evolution almost interchangeably. Is that justified? CONTINUE READING
Terrestrial Zoology Experts Were Wrong About Killer Bees August 16, 2019 Another doomsday scenario has been debunked: killer bees have calmed down and become nice. How, and why? CONTINUE READING
Mind and Brain Brain Provides Shortcuts for the Will July 12, 2019 The brain is like a smart assistant, allowing previously-learned actions to be called up on demand. CONTINUE READING
Cell Biology Microbes Talk More than People Do May 20, 2017 Microbial communication requires an interface, providing an example of how intelligent design explains what evolutionary theory misses. CONTINUE READING
Birds This "Evolution" Is Not Darwinian February 23, 2013 Some things in nature get attributed to Darwinian evolution, but might be better seen as manifestations of design or other alternative, non-Darwinian mechanisms. CONTINUE READING