People Can Be Devious Lab Rats (and Researchers)

Human lab rats can fool human researchers, who in turn can fool the human public. Honesty must be the only policy in science.

Depending on Source, Stem Cells Can Kill or Heal

Stem cells continue to show promise for dramatic healings, but reporters don't always clarify what lived or died to produce the cells. Adult stem cells inhabit all living humans; embryonic or fetal stem cells require a human death.

Give Me Liberalism and Give Me Death

Nowhere does the divide between left and right show more starkly than in policies about killing the innocent. Leftist liberals, who are the most supportive of Darwinism, seem to have no problem with tinkering with human life to the point of killing it.

Good Science Requires Good Ethics

Science is conducted by humans for humans. It is not done in a vacuum. Even the lone researcher working in a basement hopes to make a discovery worth sharing. The need for ethical science shows most clearly when humans experiment on humans – with or without their consent. Two recent articles underscore the indispensability of moral grounds for science, and a third raises questions about the source of morality.
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