Social Scientists Ashamed but Still Ask for Trust

One of the largest ever studies of predictions by social scientists shows an embarrassing failure rate.

Character Flaws Give Big Science Woes

The days when science journals could be trusted have become clouded. Maybe the sun never shined anyway.

Smoke Gets in the Eyes of Climatologists

Wildfire smoke and other factors have not been properly taken into account in climate models.

A House Divided: Learning from Lincoln

This is not the only time America was divided. Lincoln faced a blood war of brother against brother. His solution is relevant today.

Big Science Needs to Repent

In a stunning rebuke, 22 scientists write in Nature that science needs humility and transparency.

The Opposite of Worry Is Awe

There's nothing better than seeing the power and beauty of nature to take your mind off your worries. Or is there?

Gratitude Is Good for Health

For Thanksgiving Day in America, we should realize that gratitude is good for everyone – provided they know what it means.
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