Archive: Darwin, Mendel, and Style

Two entries from Creation-Evolution Headlines twenty years ago show that doubts about Darwin go way back.

Information Sharing Is Not Evolution

Scientists are finding that organisms can use libraries of functional information obtained from one another.

The Wisdom of Doubting Scientific Consensus

If you wait long enough, scientists will find exceptions to their dogmas and will have to rethink everything.

Aiming Blindly: Darwinism Is Inherently Contradictory

Once in awhile, evolutionists see fundamental problems in Darwinism. But they continue believing it anyway.

Epigenetics in the News

Epigenetics has gone mainstream. Processes "above" genetics are showing to have more control over life than previously thought.

Famous Geneticist Tells NIH that Humans Are Going Extinct

The facts of genetics make it clear even to evolutionists: “We are dying” and “More death by selection will not work."

Three Mavericks Who Won

The loner, not the consensus, is sometimes the one whose views get traction in science. Here are three historical examples.

More Evidence for Epigenetic Controls on Genetics

Epigenetics has become a hot topic in biology. There are players "above DNA"– some heritable – that may be more important than the genetic code itself.
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