Glass Sponges: Lessons from the Deep

How can a "simple" or "primitive" sponge surprise engineers with its optimal physics?

Sheep Mummy Shows Limits on DNA Longevity

Under ideal conditions for preservation, DNA from a sheep in a salt mine lasted 1,600 years. But could it last millions?

Fraud Is Killing Science Publishing

Industrialized cheating is growing so fast, it's becoming hard to know what is real.

Canaanites Were Genetically Distinct

A new study finds that the the Canaanites before the Conquest were a distinct people, as the Bible says.

Leftists Use Science as Camouflage

Leftists have learned that the 'science costume' is their most effective means of propaganda.

Leftism Manipulates Science Language

Leftist academia pretends to be pro-science, but the politics drives their positions.

Scientists Not Prepared for Evil

What would scientists say if North Korea nuked their labs? Not much.

Science Reporters Don't Even Try to Be Politically Neutral

More evidence that when politics and ethics are in the news, science reporters will inevitably gravitate to the far-left position.

Farming Came Too Late in the Evolutionary Timetable

Even with generous dates of 10,000 years for the origin of farming, what were modern humans doing for tens of thousands of years or more?
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