Another Big Science Fail Over Pollution

Is plastic polluting the world's oceans? Yes, but not nearly as much as hundreds of studies had claimed. Measure, don't assume!

Bible Was Right #529: Springs of the Sea

Long before scientists discovered the springs of the sea, God told Job about them.

Unchallenged Darwinism Produces Sloppy Science

Any science needs open debate, but Darwinism is different: Big Science forbids it. Here are examples of ridiculous speculations that result. An Ancient Virus May Be Responsible for Human Consciousness (Rafi Letzter at Live Science). Your rationality is a mistake. Your ancient ancestor caught a virus, and woke up, transforming from zombie to person. This […]

The Myth of Science Self-Correction

Sounds good in theory: scientists check each other with peer review, and knowledge advances. In reality, scientists are only human.

Why Monkeys Don't Talk

It's not that they don't have the vocal apparatus. They just don't have the mind for it.

Abiogenesis: The Origin of Lie

To get life from mindless molecules, fib a little. Ignore chance. Make it sound easy. Turn out the lights. Tell a story. Imagine.

Conservatives Benefit Society

If many social ills derive from lack of self-control and poor judgment, governments should foster conservatism.

Scientists Need Philosophers

Wise journal editors realize that they can't do science without philosophy.
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