We’re Safe from an A.I. Takeover

Don’t worry. AI is a very long way from replacing humans. It cannot yet do even simple rocket-science projections.

Information Sharing Is Not Evolution

Scientists are finding that organisms can use libraries of functional information obtained from one another.

Teach Science in the Yard

Parents caught in the role of home schoolers should take their students outside for two benefits: education and health.

Brain Provides Shortcuts for the Will

The brain is like a smart assistant, allowing previously-learned actions to be called up on demand.

Brain Makes Automatic Statistical Inference

Your brain isn't a computer, but contains a powerful one.

Instinct: ‘Somehow’ Is Not an Evolutionary Explanation

Why does America's most prestigious scientific journal put up with a story like, 'somehow it evolved in an ancestor'?

Animals Can Be Smarter Than You Think

Here are four organisms with surprising mental powers.

Humans May Have Lost Beneficial Traits

Imagine if you could regrow teeth all your life. Have we lost some capabilities during human history?

Lizards that Leap Over Evolution

They may appear less evolved to Darwinians, but some lizards are world champions.

Amazing Birds

Birds never cease to astound us with their grace in the air and cheery songs, because they exhibit design at many levels.

Built-in Brain Designs that Amaze Scientists

Here's a quick run-down of brain news that should make us stand in awe of the 3-pound mass inside our skulls.

Children Are Little Geniuses

There's a lot of talent in the heads of those little toddlers.

Children Act Like Scientists

Toddlers express the basic aspects of scientific thinking: finding cause and effect by the experimental method.

More Reasons to Appreciate Your Body

There's more going on under your skin than you possibly realize.
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