Health Adult Stem Cells Continue to Promote Healing October 15, 2016 Here's the latest on adult stem cells and how they are transforming regenerative medicine without harming embryos. CONTINUE READING
Marine Biology Was Coelacanth a Lungfish? September 15, 2015 Instead of showing remorse over a Lazarus taxon, evolutionists invoke another besetting sin: vestigial organs. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Darwinians Fill Gaps With Magic February 17, 2015 Like rabbits in a magic show, things just "appear" on the Darwin stage. And like magicians, Darwinians don't reveal how the trick is done. CONTINUE READING
Biomimetics Biomimetics Is All About Design Inspiration April 8, 2014 Scientists wouldn't rush to design things after nature's examples if they weren't well designed. CONTINUE READING
Media Extreme Speculation Presented as Science December 11, 2013 Things no one could possibly ever know are being reported by science journals and news sites as things worthy of scientific faith. CONTINUE READING
Physics Does Physics Drive Evolution? October 8, 2013 Some recent evolutionary papers appear to make physical laws not just constraints on natural selection, but guiding hands that build optimal designs. CONTINUE READING
Health Amazing Cures from Adult Stem Cells July 29, 2013 Regrowing organs and other miracle cures may be coming to a hospital near you, thanks to progress with adult stem cells. CONTINUE READING
Amazing Facts More Reasons to Appreciate Your Body September 4, 2012 There's more going on under your skin than you possibly realize. CONTINUE READING