Darwinism-Inspired Hepatitis Experiments Exposed

More evidence of experimenting on so-called inferior races: the harm Darwinism caused grows as new examples are uncovered.

Research on Embryonic Stem Cells Takes Dangerous Turns

They say they seek understanding for our good, but some scientific practices are not ethically justifiable.

Can Darwin Help Your Doctor?

How do bacteria gain resistance to antibiotics? Dr Bergman explains that it is by loss, not gain, of genetic information.

Frontal Lobotomies: a Darwinian Mental Health Holocaust

The belief that human brains needed surgery to cut off animal behaviors grew out of Darwinism. It's been called a mental health holocaust.

Scientists Must Avoid the Slippery Slope of Designer Babies

Dr Jerry Bergman, author of books on the Holocaust, is not the only scientist seeing danger by tweaking the human genome.

How to Scientifically Justify Horror

A leading American science journal whimpers over loss of access to body parts of murdered humans.

Stem Cell Digest

Scan these headlines for news about stem cells: the unethical kind (embryonic, ESC) and the ethical kind (adult, induced pluripotent, iPSC).

Why Is Big Science Pro-Death?

Big Science and Big Media support abortion and assisted suicide for no scientific reason.

Germany Reconstructing Nazi Medical Atrocities

German scientists who studied euthanasia victims' brains "were very good researchers of international standing."
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