Mind and Brain Brain Science Needs a Rethink May 18, 2020 Have the sciences of the mind, from psychology to neuroscience, really grasped what's going on inside our skulls? CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology Pathogens Don't Exist December 10, 2014 It takes a partnership to have a disease, say two microbiologists who argue for ditching the word "pathogen." CONTINUE READING
Cell Biology Cell Biologists Use Machine Language October 23, 2014 This is a golden age of discovery about molecular machines, but the metaphor may be moving from machinery to information processing. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution How Useful Is Evolutionary Theory? October 19, 2014 What has Darwin done for you lately? Some evolutionists promote Darwinism because of its alleged usefulness to humanity. CONTINUE READING
Biomimetics Animal Engineering Is Not Just a Metaphor October 10, 2013 Some evolutionists complain that talk of molecular machines and engineered systems in the living world is a misleading figure of speech. Why, then, do human engineers seek to reverse-engineer them? CONTINUE READING