Archive: Cells, Africa, Cloning, Microscopy, Stem Cells, Racism, Bladder, Faith

Here are some of the stories we were reporting in mid December 2001, restored from archives.

The Science of Being Wrong

In a process of continual correction, when does one get to certainty?

Neanderthal Fails Again as Evolutionary Link

Another attempt to resurrect the once-prized evolutionary link between apes and modern humans fails.

Scientists Chip Away at Ethics

When a human being is a commodity, atrocities follow. The time to stop it is before acceleration down the slippery slope.

Improbable Rafting Is Central to Darwinism

Evolutionary theory requires rare improbable events, but stuff happens in millions of years, they say.

For Better Science Writing, Cross Out Evolution-speak

Like strict teachers, editors should cross out useless evolutionary speculations from science papers.

Ear Muscle “Wiggle”: A Vestigial-Organ Claim That We Should ‘Turn a Deaf Ear To’

Human ears were not designed to wiggle; their muscles were designed for other functions, says Dr Jerry Bergman.

Monkey Sea, Monkey Raft

In order to maintain Darwin Year orthodoxy, evolutionists imagine rafting across the Atlantic.

On the Origin of Lechery by Natural Selection

Women, are you listening? Darwinists justify unleashing unrestricted male passions on you with no responsibility.

Human Body Capabilities Uncovered

More surprises about the body come to light, including the ability to regrow cartilage.

Music Is Noise to Monkeys

Experiments show that monkeys prefer noise over music, even though they have brain similarities with humans.

Lazy Darwinists Abuse Science

The Darwin storytelling empire has become fat and lazy, abandoning the hard work of empiricism for tantalizing speculations.

Tick Talk: Mammal Blood Found in Amber

Can intact blood be preserved for 15 to 45 million years, give or take 50 million?

Why Monkeys Don't Talk

It's not that they don't have the vocal apparatus. They just don't have the mind for it.

So Much for Stone Tools

There goes the flaked stone tool as a measure of hominin intelligence, now that monkeys can unintentionally make them, too.
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