Ugly Life Is Beautiful in Its Own Way

Who's calling ugly plants and animals repulsive? To know them is to love them.

Year-End Biomimetics Parade

What better way to end the year than a celebration of biomimetics, where fun and useful science never ends thanks to nature's inspiring designs?

Plastic Proteins and Turtle Skis

Here's news about the latest technologies coming out of biomimetics, the imitation of nature's designs.

Real Creatures with Superpowers

Check out the capabilities of these amazing little critters.

Intelligent Design Is Leading Biology's Golden Age

Look at a natural design. Seek to understand it. Seek to imitate it. Biology advances.

Beat the Competition with Natural Design

Want to engineer something right the first time and beat the competition? Find out how life does it.

Biomimetics Is All About Design Inspiration

Scientists wouldn't rush to design things after nature's examples if they weren't well designed.

Strange Animals and Stranger Facts About Them

The world is decorated with an astonishing diversity of animals. Here are some new discoveries about a few of them.

Reverse Engineer Living Solutions

Need solutions to practical engineering problems? Save time and effort; see how animals and plants do it.

New Biomimetics Stories

Here are some new ways scientists are imitating plants and animals to understand their designs and make new products.

Surprising Animals Go to Extremes

Today's entry features a mammal, a bird and an insect that have good reasons to show off.

Evidences for Evolution Examined

Recent news stories have claimed evidence for evolution. But has evolution been observed or assumed?

Peppered Moths Without Evolution

A new study shows that scientific research on moth camouflage does not require evolutionary theory.

Pitcher Plant Inspires R&D Award

The R&D 100 award, previously given for inventions like the fax machine and automated teller machine, has been given this year for a biologically-inspired design that could revolutionize society in many ways.

Evolutionists Flaunt Falsifying Fossils

If Darwin’s theory were true, would you expect to find fossils that haven’t changed for a billion years? Would you expect that kind of stasis for organisms that lived in vastly different conditions than today? Would you expect, furthermore, to find an explosion of diverse forms of life suddenly, without ancestors? Rather than mourn their fate, evolutionists flaunt these falsifying fossils as trophies of their theory.
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