Media Archive: Mars, Pulsars, DNA, Mammals, More June 1, 2024 These articles from late May 2002 still hold interest for CEH readers. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Evolutionary Paleontologists Ask Wrong Questions February 9, 2021 Data that should falsify evolutionary timelines instead is used to launch new storytelling speculations. CONTINUE READING
Mammals Mammal Champs Strut Their (Unevolved) Stuff November 21, 2016 Here's a showcase of very different mammals all deserving of the same thing: admiration. You don't do that by attributing them to evolution. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution So Where's the Evolution? July 30, 2015 When you go looking for evolution and find stasis, has Darwin been falsified? CONTINUE READING
Mammals Overqualified Mammals December 22, 2014 Here are some mammals with capabilities that exceed the requirements of mere survival. CONTINUE READING
Media Media Swarm to Latest Human Evolution Tale May 27, 2014 We had to lose muscle to grow bigger brains, some evolutionists said, and the media went ape. CONTINUE READING
Health Overcoming Natural Evil with Good November 1, 2013 Things that bite and sting are not always 100% harmful. Maybe some of our categories of natural evil are due to ignorance. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Evolutionists' Storytelling Addiction January 23, 2013 For professionals who should be concerned with evidence, many evolutionists are given to rampant speculation. The tipoff is usually a phrase like "may have," "could have," or "conceivably." CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Lemur-fish, Vege-fang and other Fossil Follies October 4, 2012 Fossils are doing just fine, but the scientists who interpret them are having a rough week (or century). CONTINUE READING