How Darwinism Is Made to Look Like Science

A century-long strategy has allowed Darwinians to parasitize science, overcome its natural defenses, and establish storytelling as legitimate research .

How Could Plants Evolve? Answer: They Evolved

Darwinism has replaced the need for demonstration in science with the convenience of assertion. When you read papers and articles that offer to explain how something evolved, what you often find are statements that they just evolved. Let’s see some examples. 3D Body Evolution: Adding a New Dimension to Colonize the Land (Current Biology). The […]

Darwin Report Card: How Useful Is Evolutionary Theory?

We examine numerous articles and papers that talk about evolution to see if neo-Darwinism (or even old Darwinism) actually contributes to the understanding of nature.

Evolutionist Reveals Magical Beliefs

Introducing the "Poof!" Theory of Evolution.

Darwin Sale

We need to clear the deck of evolution news. Here's a list of headlines presented "as is" for interested readers to research further.

Imagination Cures Falsifications of Darwinism

How many show-stoppers does it take to stop a show? With Darwinism, the show goes on despite multiple falsifications. The trick is to imagine solutions that don't require evidence.

"Easy Does It" Evolution Credited with Anything and Everything

Reporters show remarkably little discernment about the limitations of natural selection, but scientists don't rebuke them.

Selling Darwinism as a Cinch

The origin of biological complexity is a major concern for believers in unguided, random processes of nature. Some recent news articles, though, make it sound easy – no problem at all. But do their theories and experiments reflect the real world?
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