Endosymbiosis Under the Microscope

Do microbes get married and become one? Is this an example of evolution?

How Darwinism Is Made to Look Like Science

A century-long strategy has allowed Darwinians to parasitize science, overcome its natural defenses, and establish storytelling as legitimate research .

Darwinists Are Contortionists

To keep their pet theory from being falsified, Darwinians must stretch, twist and bend it to fit unexpected observations.

More Plants That Didn’t Evolve

We continue with looks at how plants supposedly evolved, drawing from latest news from the leading journals and science media outlets.

Darwin Follies and Fallacies, Part One

You can't say something "evolved to" do something useful. That's a profound misunderstanding of Darwinism. Evolutionists keep saying it anyway.

How Well Do Evolutionists Understand Endosymbiosis?

The theory that early cells engulfed microbes that became mitochondria is often presented overconfidently.

Pathogens Don't Exist

It takes a partnership to have a disease, say two microbiologists who argue for ditching the word "pathogen."

Darwin Sale

We need to clear the deck of evolution news. Here's a list of headlines presented "as is" for interested readers to research further.

Pain: Evolution or Curse?

It doesn't take much "evolution" to create a toxin, or to switch on or amplify the pain response. Are these good things gone bad?

Overcoming Natural Evil with Good

Things that bite and sting are not always 100% harmful. Maybe some of our categories of natural evil are due to ignorance.

Rethinking Parasitism

Parasitism is bad. Parasitism is evil. Parasites wage war against innocent hosts. This is our mindset. What if parasites can do good? This change of heart seems to be happening for one case, the case of transposable genetic elements. If they are only doing harm to the host, why did some biologists find that “positive selection” seems to be maintaining them? That makes it sound like the cells need them.
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