Teach Science in the Yard

Parents caught in the role of home schoolers should take their students outside for two benefits: education and health.

The Birds that Didn’t Evolve

Birds live and birds die, but they have a hard time following Darwin's dictum to evolve or perish.

Naive Evolution Stories Undermine Scientific Rigor

"Epistemic modesty" was a virtue until Darwin came along and launched a storytelling empire.

When Spirituality Intersects Science

Who saved the Ebola-stricken doctor, God or science? What is science's take on whether to flee or fight terrorism? Why should a scientist be honest?

The Evil that Men Do: How Bad Governments Create Poverty

Ideas have consequences. When societies deny that all men are created equal, the masses suffer, even when surrounded by rich resources.

Secular Psychology as Abuse

At best, psychology doesn't know what it's doing. At worst, it harms people.
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