Spotted and Striped: Why Many Animals Have Elaborate Patterns

Evolutionists are at a loss to explain the patterns that adorn many diverse animals.

Sexual Selection Comes Under Fire

From several fronts, new problems confront Darwin's other selection theory.

Sexual Selection Fails to Explain Beauty

Looking for evidence of sexual selection in nature as an explanation for beauty has been an exercise in futility.

Meaning of Beauty Explained in Beautiful New Illustra Film

Why is there beauty in the living world? We all recognize it. The implications take center stage in the design-vs-Darwin debate.

Darwinians Claim to See Evolution Happening Now

Unable to see evolutionary progress in the fossil record, some Darwinians try to claim they are watching it before our eyes.

Empty Promises from Darwin Storytellers

Mainstream science media cast a false illusion of Darwinism's success by making promises in the headlines that the articles don't deliver.

What Good Is a Hairball?

When you start looking for clues to good designs in nature, the results are everywhere.

Sexual Selection Tossed Again

150 years of speculation about "female mate choice" doesn't hold up under observation of fruit fly behavior.

That Doesn't Look Like Evolution

Here are more findings, categorized under "evolution," that might turn heads and make one say, "Huh?"

Feathered Velociraptor? Untangling the Spin

Discoverers admit this could be a flightless bird. That's not the only problem.

Animals Overcome Limitations of Physics

The limits of human engineering have been overcome by animals in surprising ways worth imitating.

Birds Surprise Evolutionists

Whether considering their design or their evolution, scientists keep finding surprises in birds.

Darwinism Is a Constant; Just-So Stories Are Variables

Stories about the evolution of particular organisms often replace older stories, but the main plot is unalterable.

Survival of the Weakest

If "sometimes it pays to be a weakling," what does that mean for 154 years of Darwinian teaching about survival of the fittest? What does it mean, further, when sexual selection doesn't work?

Birds and Their Evolution (or Design)

Several recent science papers try to find evolution in bird brains, genes, and behaviors. Do they succeed?
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