Do Evolutionists Have Extinctions Figured Out?

Stories of periodic mass extinctions millions of years ago sound like factual accounts, till you look at the details and ask some simple questions.

Triassic Trackways Are Unique

Secular geologists claim that unique conditions prevailed when trackways were made by tetrapods in Triassic strata. Is this special pleading?

Crinoid Pigment: 240 Million Years and No Evolution

Pigments from crinoids fossilized in early Mesozoic strata are identical to modern counterparts.

How Well Do Evolutionists Understand Extinctions?

Earth history is littered with five mass extinctions, evolutionists claim. How solid is their evidence?

Dinosaur Evolution Story Survives In Spite of Evidence

The evolutionary story of extinction and the rise of dinosaurs faces challenges, but survives when the glue of imagination holds fragmentary evidence together.

Man Blamed for Living Fossil Extinction Threat

The chambered nautilus is on the decline, after 500 million years of survival from the world's greatest extinction events. Guess who's to blame.

Is This Plant Really 30,000 Years Old?

A plant said to be 30,000 years old has been brought to life in Russia. A team resurrected a fruit from a rodent burrow in Siberian permafrost, getting it to grow into a whole plant that produces viable seeds. This is now the oldest age claim, by an order of magnitude, for plant material made to live again. Other scientists are startled that plant material could remain viable for so long, since cells have to repair their DNA continually. Other botany news bring different problems to evolutionary theory.

What Do Scientists Know About Prehistory?

Evolutionary biologists and geologists speak of events happening millions or billions of years ago as concrete facts. They are not observational facts, though; they are inferences from indirect evidence. Indirect evidence can often lead to different conclusions; in fact, some philosophers like Duhem and Quine argue for “under-determination of theory by data,” meaning that data can never converge to support just one theory. Some can demonstrate logically that there are an infinite number of theories that can explain a set of data. Evolutionary scientists counter that there are only one or a few that are reasonable (implying that theirs is among the limited set of reasonable ones). Recent discoveries that threaten to overturn past reasonable theories, though, cast doubt on their confidence.
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