Darwin and Evolution Convergent Evolution Is a Theory Rescue Device, Not an Explanation September 23, 2024 New experimental work only explains the loss of similar structures, not their origin. CONTINUE READING
Terrestrial Zoology Fly Nervous System Exceeds Expectations July 2, 2024 One look at this nerve diagram should eliminate thoughts of evolution. CONTINUE READING
Birds More Ignorance About Bird Flight Admitted March 28, 2024 Fifty years of speculation has offered no solution to how birds fly. CONTINUE READING
Birds Origin of Bird Flight: Pick Your Miracles March 21, 2024 Powered flight in birds arose only once; no! it arose many times! CONTINUE READING
Fossils Winged Darwin: Pterosaur Diversity, But No Ancestor February 7, 2024 A lizard could not just take off like a bird. Flight specs are required! CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Darwinian Storytelling Dumbs Down Media January 26, 2024 How silly does an evolutionary story have to get before reporters revolt? CONTINUE READING
Fossils Darwin’s Airplane Made Itself October 18, 2023 Article on insect flight ignores requirements and grants superpowers to evolution. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Evolutionists Wing It with Stories April 13, 2023 Flight? No problem. Wings pop into existence like eyes and everything else. CONTINUE READING
Mammals Batty Hypothesis Supposes Powered Flight Is Glorified Gliding March 29, 2023 What good is an unpowered wing? Will it start flapping? Evolution makes it happen, say 13 Darwinists. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Darwinians Leap Over Flight Origins January 26, 2023 It's one giant leap for Darwinkind: how to explain the origin of powered flight without engineering. CONTINUE READING
Birds Hummingbirds and Humans Evolved by Mistake January 12, 2023 To believe this evolutionary tale, one must accept that a genetic mistake created our beloved backyard acrobats. CONTINUE READING
Birds Bird Flight Is Easy to Lose But Hard to Gain October 25, 2022 Is it easier for a plane to lose its wings and roll on its wheels like a car, or for a car to sprout wings and fly like an airplane? CONTINUE READING
Fossils Has a Pterosaur Ancestor Been Found? October 7, 2022 Looking more closely at a fossil found 115 years ago, evolutionists visualize it running, sprouting wings and flying into the sky. CONTINUE READING
Terrestrial Zoology Dragonfly Cat Trick Explained May 16, 2022 An upside down dragonfly can right itself faster than the blink of an eye. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Insect Wings: How Darwinists Fly Off Course April 5, 2022 Asking the wrong questions can lead a scientist nowhere. A recent example is trying to explain insect wings. CONTINUE READING