Why Chernobyl Neighbors Are Not Dying

Surprising scientists, both people and animals are doing OK around the world's worst nuclear accident site.

Darwin Can't Win for Losing

Progress must be made with gains, not losses.

That Doesn't Look Like Evolution

Here are more findings, categorized under "evolution," that might turn heads and make one say, "Huh?"

Evolving Butterfly Designs

Other than asserting that evolution made them, evolutionists are a-flutter when facing clear evidence of design in butterflies.

News About Your Favorite Dinosaurs

T. Rex, Triceratops and other stars of the age of dinosaurs have made news lately. Here are some recent dinosaur findings.

Big Mean Bird Was Vegan

Diatryma, a giant flightless bird often portrayed as a wicked carnivore, may have gently dined on plants.
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